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Erin Morris To All Instructors


Erin was born and raised in Georgia and has always had a deep connection to the land here.  At a young age Erin took to the woods, crafting, creating, and communing with nature.  A skill she gladly passes on to her two children.

Erin moved to Athens in 2003 to attend the University of Georgia and completed a Bachelor of Science in Child and Family Development.  After graduating and working briefly in the non-profit sector, Erin decided to switch gears and worked as a hairstylist for about 10 years.  

Erin enjoys foraging, wild crafting, and dabbling in whatever whims of creativity that surface.  Lately that has looked like pottery, needle felting, herbalism, and learning to cook all the gluten free things. Erin lives in Athens and hangs in the woods with her husband and two children.

Current Classes
3D Art – (closed)
3D Art MS/HS – (closed)
Swiftie 101 – (closed)