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Payment Policy

Registration and Facility fees are due upon registering your child for classes, and full payment is required to hold your place. Registration and facility fees are non-refundable. If fees are not paid within one week of registering for classes, your child(ren)’s registration will be canceled and classes will be released back into the system. 

The Registration Fee is $45 per family, per school year if registering before June 15th. The registration fee increases to $65 after June 15th. 

The Facility Fee is $15 per child, per school year for up to four children.

Registration and Facility Fees may be paid via PayPal, by clicking on your "Balance" in your FHC profile when you're logged in. 

Tuition is paid directly to teachers and is due on the first of each month. Teachers are considered independent tutors and are paid directly by parents. Each semester is 16 weeks, and the tuition is divided into 4 payments per semester. Tuition for the Fall Semester is due on the first day of August, September, October, and November (no tuition paid in December.) Tuition for the Spring Semester is due on the first day of January, February, March, and April (no tuition paid in May.) Supply fees (where applicable) are due on August 1 and January 1. Please see the Tuition Chart for details.

Late and Missing Tuition Payments
Please pay teachers on time. Tuition payments that are late by two weeks may result in a $5 fee per payment to be billed at the teacher’s discretion. You may pay for the entire semester in one sum if monthly is not preferrable. If you’re having trouble paying your tuition, please reach out to us at [email protected] and/or to your child's teacher(s). 

Changing or Dropping Classes or Withdrawing from Firefly
If you change or drop a class or withdraw from Firefly, your family’s financial responsibility will be as follows:
  • If you change or drop a class or withdraw from Firefly before the second week of the semester, you will be refunded the tuition for the dropped class(es). Supply fees are non-refundable.

  • If you change or drop a class or withdraw from Firefly after the first week of the semester, but before the third week, you are still responsible for supply fees and the first month’s tuition for all classes from which you withdraw. 

  • If you change or drop a class or withdraw from Firefly after the first three weeks, you are responsible for paying the remainder of the tuition and supply fees for the semester for any classes from which you withdraw. If you add a class, you are also responsible for the remaining tuition and full supply fee for that class. Directors may make exceptions on a case-by-case basis for situations such as job loss, death in the family, out-of-area move, etc.

  • Near the end of the Fall semester, students may have the opportunity to add/drop a class effective at the start of the January semester. Requests will be granted on a first come, first served basis and only as class limits allow. Submitting an add/drop request will not alter a student’s current schedule if desired changes are unable to be accommodated. Communication about this process as well as appropriate deadlines will be emailed to all families in November.

Missed Classes
FHC may cancel classes due to severe weather. We monitor the Clarke County school system, and will typically cancel classes when their schools are closed. Tuition is not refunded for classes missed due to weather. 

No reimbursement or credit will be provided to families for classes their children miss due to absences.

Volunteer Opt Out Fee 
The choice to opt out of volunteer responsibilities is provided for those who work full-time, those with physical or health limitations, and those with strict childcare limitations.
Cost to Opt Out: $80 per semester
How to Opt Out: Please select Volunteer Opt Out on the 2024-2025 Class Registration Google Form. The Opt Out Fee will be invoiced to your account and must be paid within one week of class registration confirmation.